Field Guide
Anolis pulchellus
Anolis pulchellus
Nestled within the verdant landscapes of Barbados, the Underwood's Lizard (Anolis pulchellus) quietly thrives, embodying the spirit of mystery and beauty. This elusive reptile, endemic to the island, has captured the fascination of naturalists and adventurers alike.

Named after herpetologist Garfield Underwood, this lizard boasts a unique combination of striking coloration and reclusive behavior. Its emerald-green hue, punctuated by intricate patterns, serves as both camouflage and an expression of its distinct identity.

Though not often spotted, the Underwood's Lizard inhabits the lush undergrowth of Barbados' woodlands, particularly the interior rainforests. Its preference for these sheltered habitats reflects its preference for a cooler, shadier environment compared to other more open and sunlit areas favored by some of its relatives.

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